Are [some] vegans going too far…?

Lately I have been watching some ‘famous’ youtubers, who happen to be vegans. Being vegan is good and all that jazz, but only if do it right. What I have noticed while watching the videos of one youtuber, in particular, is that she is messed up. She got it all wrong. I am sure you will understand what I mean if you have watched her video. If you are curious of the name of her youtube channel, it is : Freelee the banana girl

Maybe, you know who she is?

Personally, I’m not fond of meat but I can eat it. That doesn’t mean that I have the right to force or make other eat it, just like me. I know where the line is. The line between suggesting and forcing. There is a fine line there. But that is what this girl is doing. She is literally telling people how to live their life. I understand that she doesn’t want to eat meat or other animal-related food and that she don’t want the animals to be killed.

I agree, but only about the killing of the animals. Many animals are being killed/slaughtered  and treated inhumanely, and of course it shouldn’t be like that. Now back to what we were discussing. Maybe she may mean it well and all, but she comes off as rude. To be honest I don’t fancy the way she talks about other women. Lady, will you live your life?

Will you believe me if i told you she got disclosed this divine revelation that would make everyone’s life much better.She wants to relay it to people, so people can possibly find the light and live a happier and healthier life. Whoever disclosed this miraculous news to this lady, must have been drunk or out of their mind. Or it could be that they  forgot to let her know how she can spread this message to people effectively.

Because what she is doing right know is not getting her anywhere. She will just gain hate by doing this. And you may ask, what did she do?

She is judging others eating habits and gets so upset about what people do. After this message came to her, I don’t know when, she is basically expecting the world to change with her. And her way to spread this ‘wonderful’ message is by picking on people. She doesn’t want to spread it by giving facts and information, but she probably thinks picking on people is the way to go. Even though I don’t like her attitude in most of her videos, she knows what she is talking about (open for discussion). But the problem is that she needs to accept that EVERYONE DON’T WANT TO BE A VEGAN. Also, she needs to understand that it doesn’t work for everyone.

Who knows, maybe she could be more likeable if she could show or tell what people can do differently to change their current [bad] eating habit and why what they are eating could be harmful for their bodies, and do so in a respectful way. And only do so when they have asked for it. That’s  a better way to do it. Don’t you agree?

Kudos to you vegans who respect other non-vegans and don’t try to force veganism down people’s throat. We need more of you guys!

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